Be in contact with your family and stay updated to date on the most recent TV shows when you take care of your CenturyLink bill with ease. In the event that you don’t have a financial balance, don’t stress – we can assist you with making money installments and take care of business rapidly. At services like Money Services, you can advantageously take care of your bills where you purchase food supplies.
About CenturyLink
We know CenturyLink as a global communications company that provides broadband, phone, video, and network services over a 265,000-mile fiber network.
CenturyLink was born in 1930 and formerly known as the Oak Ridge Telephone Company. You know the interesting fact that the owners – William Clarke and Marie Williams’ eight-year-old son Clarke McRae Williams delivered the customer’s bill on his bike. The couple gave the company to Clarke as a wedding present when he returned from duty in World War II. The company continued to grow on large scale and in 2009, changed its name to CenturyLink.
Centurylink quick pay
Use Quick Bill Pay to pay online without login
Quick Bill Pay is a quick solution to pay your CenturyLink bill online without signing up. You can use your checking account, savings account, debit or common credit card or in some areas your ATM card or your money market account. Skip the stamps and pay online – it’s easy!
You can pay CenturyLink bills in a number of ways, including by phone, post, in person, or online at multiple locations. Choose the most convenient option for you:
- Log in to the Quick Bill Pay portal.
- Set up AutoPay.
- Log in to your My CenturyLink account to pay bills.
- Download the My CenturyLink app to pay on your smartphone.
- Call centurylink bill pay number to pay by phone (make sure you have your account number on hand).
- Send your payment to the CenturyLink address provided for your area code.
- Pay in person at the nearest CenturyLink store that accepts bill payments.
How do I pay my CenturyLink bill online?
How to pay your CenturyLink bill online
Option 1: rarely pay online
Use Quick Bill Pay if you are in a hurry, are not interested in creating an account and / or only need to pay your centurylink online payment from time to time.
Option 2: Pay online regularly
Both My CenturyLink and Quick Bill Pay are mobile friendly so you can send your payment using your Smartphone or other device.
- Did you know? Just because you’ve set up an account, you can’t pay online. You can still pay with other methods whenever you want.
There is a small fee for using a credit or debit card when you pay your bill using the one-time My CenturyLink or Quick Bill Pay services. There are two ways to avoid this fee and still pay easily online:
- Register with AutoPay and pay by credit card, debit card, savings account or checking account. Every month, your bill is automatically paid from your specified payment source.
My CenturyLink and my mobile app for access to accounts around the clock- 24/7
- Your current invoice, your due date and your invoice history are available online.
- Update account and billing information at any time.
- Pay your bill easily or set up AutoPay.
- With the mobile app you get account access. Download the free app to get started.
- Download at Google PlayDownload from the Apple Store
Set it up and forget about it with AutoPay
- Pay your bill automatically every month.
- Eliminate late fees.
- Set up payment with a credit or debit card or other payment methods.
Or use your personal bank online bill payment program
- Find your bank’s online bill payment website.
- Have your CenturyLink account number ready and follow the instructions on the website.
Centurylink bill pay phone number
To pay your bill by phone, call centurylink bill pay number and follow the instructions to make your centurylink pay by phone. When you are on the phone, you can use the automated system or have your payment processed by an agent. The automated system is free of charge and available at any time. If you would like an agent to process your centurylink one-time payment, there is a $ 3.50 fee.
How do I pay my bill over the phone?
The CenturyLink account and billing number is the best number for CenturyLink Internet, home phone and Prism TV customers to get help updating their centurylink payment account information or changing their service.
The account and invoice support number is also the best number to ask questions about your invoice. If you only need to pay your bill, call the payment specialist number for a faster centurylink quick pay service.
Where can I pay my CenturyLink bill?
Pay your bill online with My CenturyLink
You can use the following to pay your bill:
- Checking account,
- Saving account,
- Debit card or
- Credit card (Visa, MasterCard and Discover accepted) and
- in some areas your ATM card or
- Money market account
You can save your payment information so that future payments are even faster.
Pay your bills through My CenturyLink and save your time and money. If you are not registered for My CenturyLink, do it now.
Where can I pay my CenturyLink bill?
You can pay your CenturyLink bill in cash or by debit card at your local money service outlet. Just bring the money with you to cover the bill and fee, along with your most recent bill stating the account number. They will do the rest.
Centurylink Speedpay
CenturyLink SpeedPay may be a fast solution for paying your CenturyLink bill online without logging in. you’ll use your bank account , bank account , debit or major MasterCard or, in some areas, your ATM card or market account.
CenturyLink offers several payment options so you can choose the easiest method for your household. The easiest payment method is online. You can do this with CenturyLink Quick Bill Pay, the My CenturyLink app, or your My CenturyLink account. How to fix CenturyLink outage map issues.
You can send your payment to the CenturyLink invoice payment address for your zip code. Do you prefer to pay by phone? Call Centurylink pay my bill number and enter your account number using the keypad or follow the instructions to speak to an agent.
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