Paying your Duke Energy bill at Money Services is easy and can be processed the same day. We are located in grocery stores in North and South Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Florida, so you can pay your Duke Energy bill pay in the evenings and on weekends. Hundreds of locations in these states are sure to have a cash service near you. Use Duke’s Store Locator tool to find out where. And you can start immediately with daily discounts by downloading special offers from our vouchers and offering pages on your shopping cart.
Duke energy payment
If you are a Duke Energy customer, you must understand the invoice and the information it contains from month to month. When you are fully informed, you can identify errors and understand exactly what you are being charged for. Read on to learn more about understanding your Duke Energy pay my bill.
How do I pay my Duke Energy bill online?
The UVP (US Energy Information Administration) states that the typical electricity tariff in the Duke Energy region is currently 0.71 cents per kWh. Based on this price, you could save up to 44% on a typical house with 1,000 kWh / month.
Note: The RRP average includes all taxes, transfer, and delivery fees. This is the total price and includes all utilities and electricity costs for retail. We offer the same prices so that when you buy energy prices in Ohio you get the price comparison between real apples and apples.
How can I lower my Duke Energy bill?
It’s quick and easy to get a cheaper price on your Duke Energy bill. See duke energy pay by phone for more.
Find your last invoice because you need two specific information from the invoice – your “account number” and your “service address”. You can find this on the sample invoice below.
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Can I pay my Duke Energy bill over the phone?
Pay your Duke Energy bill at Walmart
Walmart is expanding its CheckFreePay payable duke energy bill payment online service, provided by Fiserv of Brookfield, Wisconsin, to an authorized walk-in bill payment center for multiple California utilities. Customers can now visit a Walmart store to pay an invoice from Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG & E), and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas).
“Consumers appreciate the convenience of paying bills at Walmart while doing everyday shopping,” said Jardon Bouska, division president of Biller Solutions, Fiserv. “Walmart’s new service Duke Energ helps thousands of Californians who prefer to pay cash in person and makes payments quick and easy.”
Walmart already offers customers the option of paying more than 2,500 bills with CheckFreePay. In most cases, customers can choose delivery options for the next business day or three business days. Try duke energy speedpay.
As an authorized payment center for PG&E, SDG & E and SoCalGas, customers can pay bills online and offline from these companies without incurring a convenience fee. To pay an invoice, customers bring their invoice to a participating Walmart MoneyCenter or customer service. Payments can be made in cash or with a PIN-based credit card & debit card. Payments are processed via Fiserv’s CheckFreePay bill payment service offered by Walmart and sent electronically to the utility company on the same working day.
The PG&E service area represents Northern California. It stretches from Eureka in the north to Bakersfield in the south and from the Pacific to the Sierra Nevada. SDG & E serves customers in San Diego and the southern Orange Counties. The service area for SoCalGas covers central and southern California from Visalia to the Mexican border.
Fiserv is a US walk-in payment processor that allows consumers to pay more than 2,500 bills at more than 20,000 retail locations across the country. CheckFreePay representatives include supermarkets, drug stores, and convenience stores, as well as hundreds of independent retailers and retailers. How to fix Duke Energy power outage problems.
Duke energy bill pay phone number
Paying on your Duke Energy electricity bill is quick and easy and can be done in several ways. We offer payment of bills by phone, online or standard mail. You can also pay your bill personally at one of our preferred locations. Regardless of your chosen option, we want you to be able to pay your electricity bill the way that is safest and most convenient for you. So, duke energy pays the bill by phone.
About duke energy
Duke Energy supplies 7.4 million customers in North and South Carolina, the Midwest, and Florida with electricity. The company also distributes natural gas to more than 1.5 million customers in Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, as well as in North and South Carolina. Duke Energy started in 1900 as the Catawba Power Company before becoming Duke Energy in 1924. Due to acquisitions and mergers, Duke Energy has gradually expanded its territory, which now spans 104,000 square miles and 250,200 miles of distribution lines.
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